Shannon Noll’s New Project Revealed at PAX AUS 2019

PRESS RELEASE Announced this morning at PAX Australia, Shannon Noll was revealed as the captain of a new esports team,…


PAX AUS 2019: Pre-Con Survival Guide

The annual gaming convention of the year, PAX Australia ("PAX AUS"), is back again this weekend. The chance to play…

Luke H

Batwoman Pilot Spoiler-free Review: A New Knight Rises

After making her debut in last year’s Arrowverse crossover event, Elseworlds, the first episode of Batwoman has released. As a…

Luke H

DOOM Eternal Has Been Delayed

It is with great sadness that we report some unfortunate news: DOOM Eternal has been delayed. Bethesda has revealed that…


Destiny 2: Shadowkeep First Impressions

It has only been a few days since the (slightly rocky) launch of Destiny 2’s latest expansion, Shadowkeep. This content…


This Week in Geekdom: PS Now, Kings Man & Birds of Prey

While Sony makes some big changes to PS Now, they bid farewell to a legend. Matthew Vaughn returns with the…
