Pokémon Press Conference 2019: Recap of all the Announcements

During today’s Pokémon Press Conference (a.k.a the Pokémon Direct livestream), Nintendo announced more Pokémon goodness for 2019 and 2020.

These announcements essentially gives players three new methods to play Pokémon: Pokémon Home, Pokémon Sleep and Pokémon Masters.

Also revealed is a Detective Pikachu game for the Nintendo Switch!

Pokémon Home


A cloud service that will work with Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android devices to allow players to collect all the Pokémon that they’ve captured into central repository. Not only will the service allow players to manage their Pokémon, but they can also use it to trade. The service will connect to modern titles including Pokémon GoPokémon Let’s Go, the upcoming Sword and Shield, and the 3DS title, Pokémon Bank.

Pokémon Sleep

Imagine the anticipation of waking up to check on your Pokémon progress. Pokémon Sleep is a new mobile game that unlocks new characters by tracking your time sleep. In addition, Nintendo also announced a new sleep tracking hardware, Pokémon Go Plus +, that works as a sleep tracker and will include gameplay updates based around sleep and rest.

Pokémon Masters

A new mobile game designed to allow players to battle alongside their favorite Pokémon Trainers from the main series RPGs. Estimated to release in June, it will be available on iOS and Android devices and will feature Pokemon battling.

Detective Pikachu

A follow-up to the original Nintendo 3DS game has been revealed for the Nintendo Switch, though the announcement didn’t go into details.

“Can’t wait to keep sleuthing with [Detective Pikachu]? Plans are under way to bring this crime-solving Pikachu to Nintendo Switch!” the Pokemon Company said on Twitter. “The details of this game are still a mystery…so keep checking back here for more clues.”

With so many exciting new ways to experience playing Pokemon, be sure to get your mobile devices and Nintendo Switches ready!

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