Mickey Mouse Joins The Marvel Universe For D23

In celebration for Disney’s D23 event, Mickey Mouse will be joining the Marvel Universe!

Marvel is commemorating its 80th anniversary by releasing several variant covers for its upcoming Marvel Comics #1000 issue. These variant covers include art by notable comic book artists and will highlight Marvel throughout the years. There will also be covers that tease Disney’s ownership over Marvel, by linking the comic book giant with Disney’s other properties such as Star Wars. One issue, for example, will feature Darth Vader and his Tie Fighter.

For D23 this year, a variant cover for Marvel Comics #1000 will be released illustrating Mickey Mouse meeting Marvel characters. The cover portrays Mickey presenting an 80th birthday cake to Spider-Man, Black Panther, Iron Man, Captain America and Captain Marvel. The background of the cover highlights various other Marvel properties, such as the Fantastic Four, X-Men, the Incredible Hulk and other tid-bits, celebrating 80 years of Marvel.

Mickey Mouse Marvel D23

This limited edition issue illustrated by Humberto Ramos and Edgar Delgado, will be given to D23 Expo 2019 attendees who are present at the Marvel 80th Anniversary panel. The panel will be held on August 24, where C.B. Cebulski, the Editor-in-Chief of Marvel, and Tom Brevoort, Executive Editor, will take fans on a journey throughout the history of Marvel Comics.

Though Mickey Mouse features on the cover, it is unlikely that the comic’s various stories will include Mickey. However, with Disney’s ownership of Marvel and Star Wars, perhaps this might be the beginning of a cross-over. The possibilities are endless.

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